Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Long Time No See!

Wow. Has it really been over a month since I last blogged anything? According to the date my last post was published, yes. *sigh* That is sad. You may now be wondering if it it has really been over a month since I last did anything crafty. The answer to that question is NO. I've crocheted a few new baby hats and have been deciding on the finishing touches for them before I take any pictures and post them. I made a skirt. We went on vacation. I re-finished my sewing desk. And I'll blog about all of it - soon! As soon as I get this whole blog refurbished. I'm learning about how to beautify my blog. So I guess you could consider Petit Lambie under construction. It won't be under construction for very long.
I pretty much don't do much each day. I spend a lot of time on the computer, but don't really get anything accomplished. I have decided to change my ways and make my computer time productive and constructive. I'll get this blogging thing down! Right now, I am reading the Blogger Tutorials at Momma Go Round. Nina sure makes it sound easy. I hope I'm smart enough to do something easy!! I'm going to stop writing right now and get back to reading. You'll see some improvements and more from me. Soon.


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